Happy New Year!
Kittens page with availability & pricing
is in the top menu.
Please text or call with questions.
Scroll down for the list of our current adult kings and queens.
We also share updates via Tiktok:

We are empty-nesters living out in the country in central Oklahoma, focused on breeding high-quality, beautiful and healthy savannah kittens.
When you purchase a savannah kitten from us, you become part of our family!
What does the F+number mean?
F2 means a grandchild of an African serval.
F5-F7 means 5 to 7 generations down from the African serval.
We are one of just a few breeders who specialize
in the snow savannah color (seal lynx point/white with spots).
Breeding only TICA registered Savannah Cats since 2014, all of our adult breeder cats at Lanna's Savannahs™ are TICA registered and thoroughly health tested. We work very hard to spoil our small tribe of savannah cats and kittens inside our home (and with their extensive outdoor enclosures) to ensure the
best-tempered, healthy savannah kittens - ready for their new families!

F1 Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby
Kendi is the home-grown daughter of our Kumbah and Leeloo (she has retired to her forever family). She has a golden brown coat, green eyes, and dark nose that are typical of F1, and she is also a sweet, well-mannered savannah who has become an amazing mom.
Kendi and Korben are the parents to all of our F2 snow kittens. They also often have melanistic, brown spotted, and melanistic/snow (smokey siamese coloring)
F6C Seal Lynx Pointe ("snow")
Korben is a sweet, spunky, goofball who will play fetch until he can't play anymore. He is a substantial 17lbs, and has great spotting and hooded eyes. He came to us from SimbaSavannahs, and his pedigree includes AfricanImage, SavvyPaws, and A1 Savannahs.
Korben's easy going personality makes him a really fun pet. He enjoys watching the chickens from is enclosure, and also cannot get enough of pipe cleaners that we turn into toys for him.
F5SBT Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby
Genavieve (we call her JellyBean) is out of Simba's Savannahs. She has the most outgoing and spunky personality of any cat we have met. She loves to fetch and also leaps to us - even when we aren't ready.
JellyBean is a snow carrier who produces awesome snow and brown spotted SBT kittens!

F3C Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby
Whiskey was born in January 2019. She came to us from Simba Savannahs in 2023, and she is JellyBean's grandma! Her sweet, easy going personality seems to have been passed down to her kittens!
We are excited to have her daughter out of Finnegan staying with us to produce all snow F5s for us in the coming year.
F6SBT Blue Shaded Tabby
Finnegan Sky is the newest non-home-grown addition to our tribe. He comes from EastTN Savannahs, and he carries for snow!
We are thankful for Finnegan's sweet, compliant nature here and that he has produced beautiful litters of kittens for us with Moxie, Whiskey, and Joon!
F1 Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby
Scarlett is the daughter of Artemis (melanistic F5) and our own serval, Kumbah.
She was born in 2019, and is back with us after enjoying some time with a breeder and friend up north. She has produced both melanistic and brown spotted kittens with Korben, and we will likely try for one more litter before Scarlett retires.

F4C Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby
Joon is the home-grown daughter of F3 Malika and Korben. She is very soft spoken and graceful. Her perfectly hooded eyes and ideal ear position have been passed down to her kittens. She is currently on a break from having kittens & is a companion to our F2 male kitten who is still available.
Her F2 grandma, Dutchess, came to us from CouchCheetah Cattery in California, and her mom is their lovely F1 Gucci from Drinkwater Savannahs.
African Serval
Kumbah is the father of our F1 queens Scarlet (featured in the pic with Artemis below) and Kendi, and grandfather to all of our F2 kittens. He has been with us since October of 2016. He was hand-raised by us and our female savannah queens. He is a leggy 35lb serval boy who loves to play in the water, catch tennis balls, and roll in the grass.
We love Kumbah! We hope he can settle down and be content now that he has been neutered.

@lannassavannahs on IG is where you can see more posts and pictures like the ones below! https://www.instagram.com/lannassavannahs/
The email form here does not seem to get them to us. We would love to chat with you about savannah cats! Please feel free to call, text or email us or message directly from our social outlets listed below:
(We are normal people with day jobs and farm chores, so we try our best to reply as quickly as possible. If you have trouble getting an email response, texting is usually the quickest way to find us.)